Thursday, November 16, 2017

A bit of Sex.

So, let’s talk about sex a bit. Really, it’s time for us to have "the talk" America! If for no other reason than the sake of our country’s posterity.

I’ve been single for almost ten years now with little to no sex in the time past. Mostly it’s because of me. My timing sucks royally, I’m overly discerning about everything, I’m classic in my views about dating and courtship, and I have a few personality quirks that don’t exactly add up to some, who are spectating from afar. Trust me when I say that I hear you, and I only wish that someday I will be better understood.

Often, I am vocal about my loneliness because I feel that if I don’t allow people to know where I am emotionally, then they will not know where I need experience in my life. The problem is that not all advice is equal, especially when it’s coming from other men, and even less so when it's coming from men who you’re not sure whether or not they have a vested interest in your heterosexuality. At any rate, I’ve grown weary of taking advice about women from only swinging dicks. It seems a little skewed.

Some of my male acquaintances have said “It’s a numbers game!”. Insisting that the more women you approach and talk to, the better the odds of getting laid. As a man of science, that logic, on the surface, does seem to make sense. But does it really though? I personally don’t want to wake up to the woman I slept with the night before, who out of the number of women I hit on, was the one who finally said “Ok.”, thinking, “Yay! I won the lottery.”. I wonder how women would feel when they realized that they were the winning number. I would like to think that there is a little more forethought, conviction, intention and discernment in choosing to approach someone you might like to spend some of your time in life with. If it’s only about the sex, then “Next!”. Ok so, I admit that numbers do factor into how many relationships a person has in any given span of time, but does that mean I should go balls out and 90-to-nothing asking every woman I meet for attention, just to create a stream of sex? I should hope not. But, that’s not what society tells me. Society says, “There’s an app for that!”.

Sourced from Google Images.
E-mail me for credit.

Sourced from Google Images.
E-mail me for credit.
There seems to be an app for everything thing these days, for everything from star maps to dictionary’s for words that rhyme, so it’s no surprise that there’s a slew of dating apps. I personally do not use, and have not used, any dating apps as of yet. That’s not to say that I won’t at some point, or that I’m against using them. I just want to exhaust every possible alternative before doing so. Excuse me if it seems classic to want to have real conversations, face to face, with real women.

Some people in our society believe we, as a civilization, have become far too dependent on technology. I tend to agree where it concerns interpersonal relationships. I’d rather not push a button to send an electronic message to tell someone, “Hey, I’m interested!”. And I personally do not want to become dependent on binary or, even worse, quantum algorithms to decide the fate of my dating life all for a little attention and a bit (or qubit) of sex...

Michael Champion

Monday, November 13, 2017

Red is for Roses.

Everyday is veterans day

Red is for Roses,

So we're told.
So final, dark, vivid and bold,
Protect it with might, violence and gold.

Red is for roses,
Architectures​ adorned with stained glass,
Horror stories, fiction and non, both recent and past,
And high-end sports cars, because it means "FAST!".
so final

Red is for roses.
I wish it were just so.
The truth is, the answer is "No!".
It represents "STOP!", while green means go!

Red is for roses.
What do you think?
Have you ever washed blood from a cut in the sink?
Have you ever seen a gunshot victim brought back to life from the brink?

Red is for roses,
Didn't you know?
It all depends on what you sow/sew
Whether it's seeds for flowers, or a bloody chest with a hole.

So the next time you look into the face and eyes of a mother who has lost a child in war, just tell her and yourself...

Red is for Roses.
Michael Champion

You're never alone!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Preflight check.

I saved a fly the other day. It was drowning in the fountain near the U.S. Capitol building. I was sitting beside the fountain feeling sorry for myself, when as "luck" would have it this helpless fly was, seemingly, pushed right to me, and at just that moment I looked down to find it struggling for its life, with no possibility of saving itself without help. I reached down and scooped the poor thing out of the water and put it on the tip of my finger. I held it up to the bright sky to have a closer look at it while it was recomposing itself. After a few moments of what seem to be self-diagnostics and a preflight check, it flew away.

For a few seconds, I have to admit, that I had somewhat of a God complex. Then I realized that the universe sent me that fly to save my life. It also helped me to better understand how to save a life.

When I saw that helpless fly drowning, I had more pity for the fly then I did for my own petty sorrows. It helped me to realize that even though circumstances sometimes seem highly unfavorable, sometimes fate has an entirely inconceivable ending written for just the right person, at the just the right time, to come along to read.

One of my Uncles once told me a story about a little boy who was combing the beach picking up starfish and throwing them back into the ocean, when someone asked him what he was doing. The boy said, "I'm saving starfish." Then the person told the little boy that it didn't matter, that he couldn't save them all. And the little boy held up the starfish he held in his hand and answered, "Mister, to this one it does!"

Preflight check
Michael Champion